Bills of money hanging from the ceiling

The Money Game

An online or in-person experience to explore your habits and unconscious beliefs around money.


We also offer Money Games in Spanish, French and German

Invented by Daniel Ofman at the Findhorn Community in the highlands of Scotland, the Money Game has been played by groups around the world as a way to help us think about, and deconstruct, our relationship to money.

There’s often no better way to test and draw out our hidden behaviours and assumptions than by playing a game. The Money Game helps us explore (and manifest) the habits and unconscious beliefs that determine our relationship to money and learn through both our individual experience, as well as interactions and reflections with the wider group. We've run the Money Game for many types of groups and in many countries as in-person events, and now also virtually!

As a personal experience in a group setting the Money Game is never the same, but varies each based on what all participants bring to the table. Your experience is shaped by your own relationship to money, the good & bad qualities you attach to it and the histories & imagined futures you associate with it. While this can surface discomfort and painful emotions for some, it also creates fertile ground for individual & collective growth.

How it works

What happens during the game is quite simple — several rounds of “play” in a group of 8-15 people, interspersed with journaling and reflective dialogue — but in keeping with tradition of the game, we don’t share all the details in advance.

Participants are asked to "bring” a meaningful amount of money in cash that they feel comfortable letting go of, but that is enough to “trigger” their learning. To ensure a meaningful experience, it is important that participants take a few minutes to feel into what this amount might be for them. People have played with anywhere from €10 to over €500.

"This game reveals so much more than you can imagine, it tells you about your ancestor's heritage and also your legacy. It's a journey through time."
Audrey Hespel-Campus, Decathlon

The Hosts

Francesca Pick

J.D. Nasaw

Lucia Die Gill

Nenad Maljković

Francesca helps groups work with money differently, be it with collaborative budgeting, transparent money flows, self-set salaries and more. In 2017 she was introduced to the Findhorn Money Game and Peter Koenig's 'Money Work', and was instantly drawn to integrate these practices into Greaterthan's work with organizations.

J.D. is a coach, facilitator, bodyworker, consultant, and community builder that loves working with alternative money practices and experimenting with more regenerative resource flow. Inspired by Findhorn’s Money Game, J.D. created the virtual Money Game Experience in 2020 and hopes every human will play it at some point in their life.

Lucia grew up around beliefs and stories that connected money and sacrifice “to have a good life, you have to work very hard”, and the likes. Finding the sweet connection spot between the self and the collective in Greaterthan, she started a journey to explore, observe and heal those intergenerational and personal money stories, with money game being a perfect tool to support others to do the same.

Now in his early sixties, Nenad has lived experience of a societal and economic collapse before and during wars in former Yugoslavia; he supports young adults in deeply adapting to current and future polycrisis, that includes dealing with various forms of money and with flow of value under difficult circumstances.

Elena Denaro

Lena Bumke

Lyssa Adkins

David Weingartner

Her last name means money in Italian, so it seems somewhat fated that she’d find this to be a juicy topic. With a background in economic sociology and anthropology, she has found deep richness in examining personal money stories and experimenting with collective money practices.

a community builder, facilitator, artist and bodyworker; Lena knows that in order to meaningfully shift our societal systems towards that future, we need to shift our relationship to money, both individually as well as collectively.

an internationally-recognized thought leader in the Agile community. Money stories and decisions are at the heart of her current focus which is helping leadership teams take up the individual and collective transformation that is theirs to do.

David believes he can only accompany as far as he got himself; he embarked on the journey to explore his own money story, experiment, co-create and work with different money practices and is now inviting companions along the way.

Ashish Arora

Armin Grundmann

Stefan Morales

Miriam Moreno

Ashish supports people to follow their hearts and organisations to create transformative cultures. He is on a journey to heal his own relationship to money, and he believes that it is one of the most central work that humans can do, as money now influences almost all areas of our lives.

Armin curiously explores what is considered normal. Such as the belief “Money rules the world.” Having himself explored the questions is Money running my life? Feels like a trap? How about regaining agency and freedom?

An open-hearted iconoclast, Stefan loves to include and unleash everyone. For Stefan, money is a complex social object, abundant with meaning. We all project something onto money: good, bad, ugly, etc. What becomes possible when we uncover our own and others’ stories about money?

Miriam grew up in a context of scarcity, which marked her relationship with money, with beliefs such as “to have money you have to work hard, and ignore your health”. It has been a welcome challenge to be part of a collective where conversations about money are part of everyday life, which is why she is passionate about accompanying others on this path of reflection.

Join a Money Game

We run money games online and in person. Register below for one of our upcoming money games to join directly as an individual, or get in touch if you would like us to run a game in-house with your team or group.

A note on pricing

We are experimenting with a tiered pricing model, to make this 3 hour experience more accessible and equitable. A standard ticket is €50, but you can join from €10 if you require support. You can also choose to provide support by purchasing a Supporter ticket. If you require any further financial support to take part, get in touch.


We are offering sessions now in Europe/Africa, Americas and Asia-Pacific friendly time zones. All sessions listed below are currently in CET Time (Berlin/Amsterdam/Paris). Please check when the session is happening in your time zone, with the help of a time zone converter.

The hosting team aims to create an environment of care and safety, however it is very important that you are aware that you are 100% responsible for your own experience within the game. Your experience is yours, your boundaries are yours, your needs are yours. It is important that participation must be optional and at the will of each participant — that no one is required or coerced to attend — and that every participant plan to stay the entire duration of the game, so there is sufficient time to process & reflect on whatever happens and to nurture any difficult moments that arise.


The Money Game was originally developed in the Findhorn Community in Scotland and began its tradition in Greaterthan when it was introduced to us by Tom Nixon in 2017. He was using this practice as part of his Source and Money Work, which was developed by the seminal thinker Peter Koenig.

After having hosted games all over the world and deepened our knowledge on Money Work with Peter Koenig himself, Greaterthan Associate J.D. Nasaw took the initiative in 2021 to create a version of the Money Game that could be played online, and could thus benefit more people across the world as a personal and group development tool.

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