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Governance & decision-making

Youtube Channel

Greaterthan members

Re-watch the many events and talks we have hosted with guests and given ourselves, on our youtube channel.


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Audio & Video

The How Podcast | Season 1

Francesca Pick, Susan Basterfield and Lyssa Adkins

Introducing The HOW, Greaterthan’s new show and podcast on organisational change - the future of work is already here... it's just unevenly distributed. Join us and learn how to practise a new kind of leadership, where we interrogate hierarchy, wrangle with power and centralised decision making, and subtract ‘management’ from change management. In episode 1 we kick-off season 1 of The HOW and explore how we got here.


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Audio & Video

The Network Dynamics that Shaped TED

Manel Heredero

Little study of the growth of TED with a network lens


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Happy Money Story: How it happens in Greaterthan and what ripples it creates!

Ashish Arora

In this article, the author shares his insights on how the practice of Happy Money Story is transforming Greaterthan as an organization


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Signs that you are blocking self management in your organisation

Ashish Arora

The article explores how the founders of the organisations sometimes end up becoming a block for their transition towards self-management. It also provides insights on how to work around such blindspots. The article is based on the author's work with clients in India.


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Don’t Let Consensus-Think Slow Your Business Down

Sally McCutchion

One of the biggest barriers to overcoming consensus-think is the allure that it holds. Those early days when everyone was aligned and clear on where you are going are magical. Relationships deepen and there is a strong feeling of security when you can reach a shared decision quickly.


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Happy Money Story: Decoupling remuneration from calculation

Francesca Pick

This is a case study that looks at the evolution and insights from one of Greaterthan's internal, the ‘Happy Money Story’, a collaborative process for distributing budgets.


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Building Thriving Networks

Alicia Trepat Pont

“There’s a lot of love in our network, but not enough care”, “We don’t have enough money to cover our admin costs this year”. If you’ve ever been in a supporting role related to finances or value flows in a community or network, you can surely relate to some of these situations.


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Financial decision making in self-organized networks: 4 common challenges

Francesca Pick

Networks based on self-organizing principles have come a long way in recent years to becoming true alternatives to working in more traditional organizations —from locally based or online communities, coops, freelancer collectives, “Neo-Guilds” or DAOs. Yet when it comes to addressing questions of money, value and power, we still seem to be lagging behind.


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The Dissensus Protocol: governing differences in peer-to-peer online communities

Jaya Brekke, Kate Beecroft, Francesca Pick

Peer-to-peer networks and protocols have inspired new ideas and ideologies about governance, with the aim of using technology to enable horizontal and decentralised decision making at scale. This paper introduces the concept of ‘dissensus’ from political theory to debates about peer governance in online communities


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Scanning the European Ecosystem of Distributed Ledger Technologies for Social and Public Good

Kate Beecroft

This Science for Policy report explores the current status of the field of Distributed Ledger Technologies both theoretically and empirically, in the framework of the project #DLT4Good: Co-creating a European Ecosystem of DLTs for Social and Public Good.


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Collaborative funding as a tool for agency & shared responsiblity

by Francesca Pick

Here is how the League of Intrapreneurs engaged their global community of ambassadors by letting them to allocate 30 000 € through collaborative funding. An interview with global catalysts Maggie de Pree & Florencia Estrade.


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Investing surplus for impact: Cobudgeting at Outlandish

by Kate Beecroft

How Outlandish, a web services consultancy based in London uses Cobudget to democratically distribute dividends to all cooperative members as a way to invest in new projects they care about.


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How to use cobudgeting for member engagement

by Francesca Pick

How the Institute for Evolutionary Leadership, a self-managed community of practitioners has been using cobudgeting for over many years to engage and empower their members.


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Sharing Power by Sharing Money: Cobudget in Enspiral

Francesca Pick

The Enspiral Network has been practising collaborative funding since 2013. As the network’s needs and realities have changed over the years, this practice we call ‘cobudgeting’, has evolved alongside it.


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Designing positive platforms: a guide for a governance-based approach

Alícia Trepat, Ana Manzanedo

This guide presents the key positive design principles to build caring and inclusive organizations. These principles are the result of the study of 15 organizations (which can be found at the end of this document) and the underlying principles and best practices they have in common.


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Guides & Practices

Ouishare Handbook

Ouishare Community

A guide to how the Ouishare community works and governs itself. We contribute to this handbook as active community members.


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Guides & Practices

Enspiral Handbook

Enspiral Network

A handbook to Enspiral's structures and practices for community members and the world. As active community members, we contribute and support this handbook.


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Guides & Practices

Greaterthan Handbook


Our living guide to how Greaterthan works as an organization.


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Guides & Practices


Cobudget is a tool that makes it easy for groups to allocate funds collaboratively and transparently.


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Tools & Templates