Lead Together - APAC

Leading is not a solo endeavour

Energise your workplace and yourself by practising how to transform traditional leadership practices towards self-managing and collective leadership in this 5-week immersive online cohort-based course.

Begins Tuesday 3rd September 14:00 NZT - NOON AEST - 10:00 Singapore - 9:00 Bangkok - 7:30 Delhi (7PM Monday 2nd PST)

Express InterestApply NowEnroll Now

Begins Tuesday 3rd September 14:00 NZT - NOON AEST - 10:00 Singapore - 9:00 Bangkok - 7:30 Delhi (7PM Monday 2nd PST)

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You want to distribute power and responsibility in your organisation. You want to enable your colleagues, peers and employees to be more directly involved in decisions, agreements and strategy. But you don’t know where to start.

You’ve tried a few things but it’s hard to get and sustain engagement and participation.

Take a breath. Imagine a work-life of shared accountability and commitment.

In this course you’ll grow your confidence with practices and approaches to help you decide how to decide together. And to help make it real, you’ll design experiments to bring back to your own team, so you can start building those  muscles together..


5 Weeks

Cohort Size

16 max

Live Sessions

2 x 2 hours per week

Time Commitment

8-10 hours per week (incl. live sessions)

Contribution Range

€500 - 1500 (Regular)

€350 - 995 (Early Bird)

This course is for you if...

Este curso es para ti si...

You are a progressive leader who wants to create a more human workplace

You believe great ideas and the ability to make change are not 'title' dependant

You want to take control of your work experience and create more joy for yourself and others

You are a progressive leader who wants to create a more human workplace

You believe great ideas and the ability to make change are not 'title' dependant

You are a progressive leader who wants to create a more human workplace

Your Hosts

Las facilitadoras

Susan Basterfield

Susan Basterfield

Susan is a catalyst and coach who believes that awareness and discernment is the key to everything. She accompanies leaders and organizations on their transformational journeys.

Melina Chan

Melina Chan

Seeking to be deeply embedded and nudge systems towards justice and thriving, Mel sees her relational, facilitative and design role as one rooted deeply in listening and accompaniment.

Ashish Arora

Ashish Arora

Ashish supports people to follow their hearts, and organisations to create transformative cultures that enable teams to thrive and individuals to stay connected to their true selves at work

What You'll Learn

¿Qué vas a aprender?

Leading Together starts with our individual understanding and embodiment of what it means to lead together and how as an individual you currently practice and empower through example. Something better is possible when we lead shoulder to shoulder and create the conditions for the development of all. The course will include actionable methods in often limiting areas of current leadership practices.

We will explore individual and collective practices around:

  • Roles and Agreements - Leaders are powerful because they have more context, by distributing context through the co-development of clear roles and agreements we also enable the distribution of power and leadership. But what does this look like in practice?
  • How to be in Adult-to-Adult relationships at work - When we lead together, we no longer look towards a single leader or manager in the system, and we step outside of parent-child dynamics and into adult-adult dynamics. This shift is bigger than we think, and involves a lot of…
  • … Deliberate Development - Leading together requires deliberate development, individually and collectively. Beyond mutual accountability, how do we create supportive containers for mutual growth?
  • The Courage to Practice - It is not enough to learn the theory. We must also practice - but before we can practice we must develop our courage too. Where can we develop our courage to practice? How can we find mutual support to do so?
  • Collective Decision Making - We shy away from making decisions as a group because we fear it will take too much time and sap energy - is it possible to make collective decisions and be clear about where decision making authority lies without slowing down? Emphatically, yes!
  • Emergent Strategy - Making sense of, and making decisions about strategy, is often considered an executive-level decision. What if you could distribute strategy making throughout your organisation? You can and you should.
  • Power-over and Power-with / Purpose and Power - How do we work with power as we intentionally distribute leadership? How do we navigate resistance to transformation when you are no longer in the business of “command and control”, “getting buy-in” or “convincing”?

… there’s an aliveness that comes when we finally dare to speak things (from our integrity) and not numb ourselves constantly, not push them away. And I’ve certainly seen leaders who had the courage to be honest with themselves, I’ve really seen that in action. There’s an aliveness that comes, there’s something liberating about naming these things and saying, “I don’t know what the answer is but this feels important to me.”                

             - Frederic Laloux, author of Reinventing Organizations

Questions? Reach out to us on academy@greaterthan.works

¿Quieres saber más? Escríbenos.

Course Partners

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Schedule & Format

Estructura del curso

Each week you will:

  • Meet for 2 x 2hr sessions with the full cohort: one content focused session, and one reflection focussed session.
  • Self-organise with your peers to complete weekly group (and individual) assignments, to put your learnings directly into action. Your groups will rotate week by week so you work with, learn from and form connections with all your fellow participants.
  • Develop an individual and collective reflective practice.

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What's next?

Próxima edición

The course runs from September 3, 2024 to October 4, 2024.
We meet twice week on Tuesdays and Fridays. Please note these days are for APAC, and occur on Mondays and Thursdays in the Americas

Still need to know more? Join us for the tasters on July 30th and August 20th (14 NZT).

Register your ticket for an early bird discount before 10th August
Since we are welcoming participants from a wide range of geographies and economies, we are offering tickets in multiple options for you to choose from. Use the rubric below to determine which fee fits your context best and register your ticket accordingly.

Please note the following fees include a 33% early bird discount which will be available until August 10th.

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Students share their experience


The course has been the highlight of my last year. I got to experience a welcoming, inclusive, safe space to contribute, to participate and to lean into my authentic strengths.

I really enjoyed the 'learn and practice together' format and got a lot of value from working with people from different countries and different professional backgrounds.

I love how it was all structured: great intro to the topic with useful material to read, a relevant and inspiring guest every week and closing the week together reflecting on the assignments.

I think the course was very well organised, with relevant content and practical assignments that I think many could benefit implementing in their organizations.

Greaterthan Academy is facilitated online learning for people, teams and organizations ready to lead towards the future of work.

Greaterthan Academy is facilitated online learning for people, teams and organizations ready to lead towards the future of work.

Our courses are practice-based, intimate and participatory. It's your entry point into the emergent knowledge and practices that Greaterthan has developed and tested over the past decade.

Our courses are practice-based, intimate and participatory. It's your entry point into the emergent knowledge and practices that Greaterthan has developed and tested over the past decade.

Academy Partners

  • Individual discounts and scholarships
  • Group discounts for business
  • Interest free payment plans
  • VAT Invoices
  • Inquiries for in-house courses

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