Transform your workplace and yourself in this 5-week immersive online course.
To change work cultures, we need to develop new leadership skills — and learn how to develop those capacities in everyone we work with. We need to un-learn those practices that no longer serve, and step up into a whole new level of potential. Self-management is a never-ending process of learning — about the broader functions of an organization, our own capacity and confidence to step into roles and collaboration and trust.
This 5-week immersive online course is based on learning-by-doing in a cohort of peers. With an intentional mix of theory, inspiration, project work, publishing and self-organizing, you will learn from your coaches and peers and share your insights with the world.
5 Weeks
16 max.
2 x 2 hours per week
8-10 hours per week (incl. live sessions)
You believe that healthy, thriving workplaces are possible, but are not sure where to start to make it a reality.
You are a leader seeking practices and the confidence to transform yourself and your organization.
You work in a self-managing context but struggling to get into generative and productive rhythms.
You believe that healthy, thriving workplaces are possible, but are not sure where to start to make it a reality.
You are a leader seeking practices and the confidence to transform yourself and your organization.
You believe that healthy, thriving workplaces are possible, but are not sure where to start to make it a reality.
Susan is a catalyst and coach who believes that awareness and discernment is the key to everything. She accompanies leaders and organizations on their transformational journeys.
A recovering quasi-academic, Elena loves creating holistic and transformative learning experiences. Relational dynamics are her jam.
Defined by some as an organisational healer, Lucia brings her passion about connection, depth and exploration to the world of self management.
Week 1: Roles & Agreements
Week 2: Collaborative Decision-making
Week 3: Deliberative Development
Week 4: Prototyping
Week 5: Generosity
We run several cohorts per year. Leave your info below to be the first to know when the next cohort opens for applications!
Highly recommended to anyone who wants to be a better human and to help organisations be better. Both challenging and fun, this course has changed me. - Tim Shand
This course opened the door to a world of global practitioners wanting to work in new ways. I would recommend it to anyone fed up with old ways of working and inspired to build something new, wherever they are on their journey. - Beth Glick
5 weeks full of insights, thoughtful, kind people, creativity and playfulness! I loved everything about this learning journey. Lisa and Elena did a great job in creating a safe and dynamic space for all of us to challenge ourselves and explore self-management and its core elements starting with our own patterns and mindset. - Catalina Contoloru
Each week we addressed one topic of self-management - a principle and its tools for practice.The collective lessons after five weeks is an acquired mindset, a worldview of future work possible for the next generation. - May Yong
Our courses are practice-based, intimate and participatory. It's your entry point into the emergent knowledge and practices that Greaterthan has developed and tested over the past decade.
Our courses are practice-based, intimate and participatory. It's your entry point into the emergent knowledge and practices that Greaterthan has developed and tested over the past decade.