Thriving Networks

How to grow networks where value, money and resources are in flow

Thriving Networks is an 8-week immersive online course that will help you take your collective, community, or distributed organization to the next level and find support from peers to address common challenges around money, value and resource flow.

24.10.2024 - 12.12.2024

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Starting networks can be easy, but sustaining them is not.

In the last ten years, our world has changed at a dramatic pace. Fueled by urgency, passion and technological breakthroughs, we are seeing new ways of organizing pop up all over the globe, challenging the notion of traditional organizations: from freelance collectives, to impact networks, to distributed communities and DAOs. But to truly fulfil their potential, these network structures and group cultures need to face difficult questions around money, power and value flow. And they don't have to do it alone.

From our experience working in such networks for a decade, we have seen certain challenges surface in networks repeatedly: power and workload imbalances, tensions between volunteer and paid work, burnout of core members, not knowing how to develop healthy and effective leadership, feeling stuck around money and how to talk about it openly.

This course will help you take your network to the next level, by creating a space for you, with a cohort of peers, to safely explore these uncomfortable topics and equip you to navigate these challenges.

Get an overview of the course content and a taste of it here.


8 Weeks

Cohort Size

Up to 30

Live Sessions

2 hours per week

Time Commitment

4-6 hours per week (incl. live sessions)


Contribution within capacity

This course is for you if...

Este curso es para ti si...

You are starting or part of a nascent network that is facing questions of value and money flow for the first time.

You are a network leader or highly active member of a mature network and want to take it to the next level.

You are a curious explorer who wants to learn about this topic in a concrete, applied way.

You are starting or part of a nascent network that is facing questions of value and money flow for the first time.

You are a network leader or highly active member of a mature network and want to take it to the next level.

You are starting or part of a nascent network that is facing questions of value and money flow for the first time.

Your Hosts

Las facilitadoras

Lena Bumke

Lena Bumke

Lena is a facilitator, community builder, artist and bodyworker. She is dedicated to creating a future worth living for through enabling meaningful collaboration, supporting the shift towards participatory and self-managed work places and fostering embodiment. She holds transformational spaces in a multiplicity of contexts and co-founded community-centred events and experiences. The sacredness of bodies and nature and the unique essence of each human being sit at the core of her work.

Francesca Pick

Francesca Pick

Francesca is an ecosystem builder, facilitator and organization designer working in the field of distributed leadership and participatory work. During the last decade, she has been a leading member of the self-organized communities Ouishare and Enspiral, participated in DAO experiments and supported dozens of other organizations with her hands-on experience in network governance and community building.

David Weingartner

David Weingartner

Transformation journeys, participatory processes, systems practice - David is passionate to design and hold those spaces in organisational environments

What You'll Learn

¿Qué vas a aprender?

Each week we dive into a different topic starting from the hosts lived experience in networks. You will apply what you are learning in your own network projects. To learn more about the context and why of this course, check out this article.

After this course, you will walk away with:

  • An in depth understanding of the challenges networks face in terms of how they think about and attribute value, make decisions about money and develop leadership; as well as how these can be addressed
  • Having explored your personal relationship to money and how it manifests in the group context through a variety of practices
  • A toolkit of practices, tools, techniques, frameworks and templates that you can start using immediately
  • New relationships in a high trust group of network leaders who you get support from and keep learning with beyond the course

What to expect:

A great curation of resources on networks, communities and collectives on the topics of value, money and leadership. This is a course about the intersection of systems and personal development. In our experience with networks and collectives, relationships are at the center. We will engage in experiences that will lead you to personal reflection and, if done in a group, these experiences will help you deepen your relationships. We think this is key to sustaining thriving networks.

Networks are complex systems. Please do not expect a linear roadmap or a magic formula. Instead, this will be like a writing course. There are many different approaches to writing. We will share tools, our experiences and reflections. But you have to get to practice and write, write, write. You don’t get better at writing by theorizing about it (end of analogy 🙂). If you want to make the most out of this course it’s necessary for you to experiment with your networks by trying the practices we introduce.

What do we mean by networks and communities?

This course is for what we call "Purpose Networks" and "Impact Communities". This ranges from professional to livelihood-focused networks, online to locally rooted communities, communities of practice or interest, to DAOs (decentralized autonomous organizations), "neo-guilds" and movements. What they all share is that they have a larger purpose and intention to catalyze action, beyond connecting people and organizations.

We use the terms network and community interchangeably, since the difference between them is often blurry.

Questions? Reach out to us on

¿Quieres saber más? Escríbenos.

Course Partners

Zebras Unite is a founder-led, cooperatively owned global movement creating the culture, capital & community for the next economy.

ConsciousU: creating conscious tribes. ConsciousU delivers scalable personal development programmes that facilitate collective transformation in organisations.

Open Collective is a legal and financial toolbox for grassroots groups. It’s a fundraising + legal status + money management platform for your community. What do you want to do?

Schedule & Format

Estructura del curso

The commitment

  • 8 weeks of learning in a cohort of peers
  • Assignments in between weeks, some which you may do with your network
  • 2 hours of online Zoom sessions weekly + the money game + potential extra session with guests
  • 2-4 hours of asynchronous solo work (reading and assignments)

Weekly Sessions

The course contains 8 x 2 hour participatory live sessions, featuring a combination of content, reflection and practice.

Week 1 |What is a thriving network? Introductory session to connect with your cohort and dive into what it means for a network to be thriving.

Week 2 | Crafting Roles & Contribution Pathways
Creating a system where network membership, different levels of engagement and types of contributions are in balance.

The Money Game
An experience to deepen your reflections and learning about your personal relationship to money. Learn more about the Money Game.

Week 3 | Reclaiming Money
Surface and explore your personal stories and myths about money.

Week 4 | Collective Money Practices
Discover how to work with personal money patterns in the collective context. Learn about innovative models for accounting value.

Week 5 | Making Decisions Around Money
Explore the challenges of collective budgeting and financial decision-making, as well tools and practices to address them.

Week 6 | Unlocking your network challenges
Reflect, digest and apply what you have learned so far to your network

Week 7 | Redefining Leadership and recognizing 'Source'
Discover Peter Koenig's Money and Source work, and how to apply it in networks to unlock collective leadership capacity.

Week 8 | Integration & Closing
Walk away with tangible insights, practices and experiments to try in your network

Enroll Now

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What's next?

Próxima edición

Upcoming cohorts:

A European + Americas cohort starting October 24th till December 12th, Thursdays from 4pm-6pm Paris │ 10am-12pm NY │ 11am-1pm Buenos Aires │ 7-9am Los Angeles │

Can't make this time? Learn about asynchronous learning options.

Or let us know about your timezone so that we can register your interest and let you know when a suitable cohort for you will be available.

Contribution within capacity model

For this course we are taking a needs based approach* that aims at  creating both increased accessibility for participants and sustainability for us as facilitators.

This means that we offer some guidance below for people to choose how much to contribute, but it is not a  request.  As Miki Kashtan says “we ask that you give the most that you can do without overstretching or resentment”.

To make your decision, we invite you to check our needs here and some questions and guidance for your self-assessment here.

It's great to take this course with fellow network members! If you're participating with one or more members of your network, you can reflect this is the pricing of the ticket by subtracting 20/25% of the sustainability option or reflect together what contribution would feel right.

This needs based approach registration model is based on Miki Kashtan (& NGL) and her course Responding to the Call of our Times.

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Students share their experience


A deeply empowering and transformative experience—a true treasure box for every network nerd. I'm still impressed by the co-creative and safe space created by the hosts.

Jannik Kaiser
Unity Effect

Thanks to this course, I now have the foundation to help take my networks to the next phase and am excited to start working with the tools this course provided!

Viviana Jiménez
Red Mujeres y Sostenibilidad

Highly recommend for anyone starting and scaling a network that wants to clarify how to collaborate, exchange value and honour the principles of cooperation. A practical space to learn with peers, access real case studies, and put the learnings into action during the course timeline.

André Pawan Vashist

A brilliant way to meet other people, share experiences with organisational structure and decision making models, and think through collective solutions to common problems

Jamila Squire, Finance and Funding Coordinator
The World Transformed

I've been in leadership in many different kinds of organizational structures for over 4 decades. I have a master's degree in organizational leadership. I've been involved in the field of networks and 'self-organizing systems' for well over a decade, and all my clients for the past decade have been struggling with leadership in flatter systems.

And yet I found much to value in this training.

The trainers are well-grounded in long experience with networks and the content addresses real and serious challenges networks face. There's a lot of hype and fluff about networks out there, but real insight based in lived experience is still relatively rare. This course fits that description and is well worth taking.

Christine Capra

Greater than the sum

The Thriving Networks Course skilfully locates the balance between personal exploration and practical application. The course is beautifully held, with excellent facilitation, clear structure, and collaborative tools that are accessible and intuitive. In just 8 weeks our group of disparate and diverse participants formed deep collaborative bonds and have cultivated a rich collective sense of support and learning. I would sincerely recommend this course to others, regardless of the scale or scope of their network(s).

Peter Lefort

Transition Network and the University of Exeter's Green Futures Network

Greaterthan Academy is facilitated online learning for people, teams and organizations ready to lead towards the future of work.

Greaterthan Academy is facilitated online learning for people, teams and organizations ready to lead towards the future of work.

Our courses are practice-based, intimate and participatory. It's your entry point into the emergent knowledge and practices that Greaterthan has developed and tested over the past decade.

Our courses are practice-based, intimate and participatory. It's your entry point into the emergent knowledge and practices that Greaterthan has developed and tested over the past decade.

Academy Partners

  • Individual discounts and scholarships
  • Group discounts for business
  • Interest free payment plans
  • VAT Invoices
  • Inquiries for in-house courses

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